The Nine Commandments of Indie Writing

The Nine Commandments of Indie Writing

cbook3As a published Indie Writer, I attest to the hard work it takes to complete a manuscript. Family and friends’ “this is good” critiques do not good writers make, neither does moaning about the absence of the muse, or other responsibilities that may take writers away from writing.

The successful Indie Writer:

  • sets and respects stated/written goals
  • writes almost everyday (even if the writing space is the kitchen table, or on the bus), and is thinking about writing (characters, structure, tension) almost everyday.
  • uses time and materials wisely
  • reads and studies like-minded writers
  • reads and studies diverse writers
  • studies what successful authors write about how to become successful authors
  • understands that the commitment to writing includes studying the craft of writing with the same vigor as the requirement to borrow thousands of dollars for college tuition
  • finds and commits to writing workshops that challenge, and dare writing into higher heights; and
  • maintains a side joy, like painting, going to the movies, running, something that has proven to relax the mind so that good writing continues.

The act of independent writing is not new. For example, chapbooks began as revolutionary items, far from the maddening crowd of traditional publishers’ gloomy downward gaze onto work they had no interest in, or understanding of. Book production was an expensive endeavor; only wealthy people could afford to purchase them. The smaller, inexpensive, sometimes cover-less, chapbook sold by peddlers known as chapmen, appealed to the masses.

Today, chapbooks are succinct little ditties, concise renderings of an artist’s voice through poetic verse. Chapbooks are carefully chosen and beautifully bound.

How can a writer encourage, shock, educate, entertain, persuade, and insist, all within the boundaries of 30 – 46 pages? The task is breathtaking and necessary.

If you have a collection of poems that need a home, The Writers’ Press Poetry Chapbook Competition submission period is now open through May 30, 2015.

The Writers’ Press gives great writers the opportunity to publish their great work, retain all independence associated with the concept, and enjoy the confidence and freedom that Indie publishing bestows.

If you are thinking about submitting your work, make sure critical, yet nurturing voices have weighed in on your manuscript. Polish and finesse those poems.

I promise to carefully read each collection.

I am looking for potential and excellence.

Further information on indie writing and publishing:

Poets & Writers

4 Responses

  1. Great! it’s up. One thing if you can please do is set an feature image on each post; I went back to your other post and since it’s a video, pulled your profile pic off your site:) but for this one you can use the book image at top. I’ll set it for you but so you know:
    –you’ll see at bottom of editing post mode “set feature image”
    – then at top with the red buttons there’s an option to turn “off” feature image so it doesn’t show as a duplicate on the post.
    Thanks and glad to have you.

  2. Now, where were you when I hit the ‘publish’ button on my first indie effort? My hardest to follow tip on your list is using time and materials wisely. Thanks for posting this article.

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