…was a huge success! Great eclectic representation of Press artists, and with one of our Press contributors, Christine Klaus, reading from her own work as well as the poetry of a couple of others included in the book. Our first selected works edition is all about an eclectic rather than “best” representation of past artists, and we hope to make this an annual event. It’s a beautiful edition featuring not only artists but literary contributors to the Press. Copies will be going up for sale on our site.
For me as an editor, to see in person the works of my Press artists from the magazine and now from our first printed edition, was truly rewarding. An riding of the gap between the real world and the cyber one. Here are a few snapshots from the evening:
Curator Paul Toussiant, me, and Press artist Richard Malinsky (His work is hanging in the background).
Work of Press artist Joan Giordano.
mixed media by Press artist Seth Apter
mixed media by Press artist Jens Norman.
Press contributor Christine Kalafus reading her work from The Woven Tale Press Selected Works printed edition.
Press artists Seth Apter, Canace, and Paul Toussaint.
Richard Malinksy’s work from the show and book.
Press artist Michael Alfano’s sculpture and view of gallery from street.
Big turnout!
Our first Selected Works printed edition for sale!
Press artist Seth Apter with Christine Kafalus whose literary works are featured in the book and magazine.
One of Elizabeth Sloan Tyler’s paintings (My mom, who passed in April and to whom the April edition of The Woven Tale Press was dedicated.
A big thank you to all who made this event a truly memorable one!