Art Spotlight: Michael Kesselman

Art Spotlight: Michael Kesselman


See Michael Kesselman’s work in WTP Vol. VI #6

A tin bowl and other found art arranged to look like a face
Leo by Michael Kesselman

mixed media
9″ x 9″ x 5″

Simple and accessible, my sculptures portray common objects in unexpected forms that are surprising, intelligent, beautiful, and humorous. Made from incongruous components, they attempt to define the essence of things by disrupting our expectations: is a chair with five legs still a chair? What happens when two eggs sit at the helm of a beater? What’s the point of an inverted chair impersonating a cello? And why should spark plugs and a pressure gauge encircling a stainless-steel colander mounted by a juice squeezer look so perfectly natural? What makes this junk art? And what is art, anyway? It appears to be something that happens in the brain when the senses are intensely attracted or repelled by a certain image or object. It is a flash, like the painful joy of falling in love, the struggle with, and sudden comprehension of a clever joke, the fleeting moment of dissipating ecstasy. It is the opposite of monotony, in the extreme.”

A tin bowl and other found art arranged to look like a face

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