My Father Eats Figs

My Father Eats Figs

My Father Eats Figs

By Heidi Stauff, WTP Video Producer

The idea for Voice & Vision evolved in our Woven Tale Forum, where members are actively conversing on ways to support one another as writers and artists, brainstorming ways to work together. These collaborations, where the literary meets the arts, we hope serve as enhancements of these already resonate individual works.

Featured Writer: Ruth Knafo Setton

Born in Morocco, Setton is the author of the novel The Road to Fez. Her honors include fellowships from the National Endowment of the Arts, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, PEN, and Writer’s Digest. Her fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and screenplays have won awards and appeared in many literary journals and anthologies. A former fiction editor of Arts & Letters, she has taught creative writing at Lehigh University, PA, and on, and is presently working on a new novel and a screenplay.

See her work in Vol. VII #2

Featured Artist: Tatiana Rivero Sanz

Sanz was born in  Barcelona, Spain, and presently lives in Vancouver, Canada. She is a multi-media artist, working in photography as well as performance. She is also a sculptor and poet, and the recipient of numerous awards, most recently, the “Expressive Award” from Art Basel, Miami, in 2016. She has exhibited widely, and is  the author of a photography book, Storm and Symmetry, and two poetry collections.

See her work in Vol. IV #4

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