~Art Central~ (old)

Art Central

You will find here an informative and inspiring mix of artist interviews, exhibition and even website reviews, gallery profiles, glimpses into the resonate spaces of the artist studio, and art links from around the Web.



The Artist’s Pulse


Inside the Studio

A WTP Voice & Vision

 The idea for Voice & Vision evolved in our Woven Tale Forum, where members are actively conversing on ways to support each other as writers and artists. These collaborations, where the literary meets the arts, we hope serve as enhancements of these already resonate individual works.
— By Heidi Stauff, WTP Video Producer —

Fine Art Photography by

Brooke Shaden Imaginative, versatile, and a master of concept, Brooke Shaden is a fine art photographer specializing in staged photography that combines allegorical symbolism with personal narrative. Utilizing props as well as commonplace objects, Shaden transforms the world around her into compelling, intricate dreamscapes that combine the strange with the familiar. She is represented by the JoAnne Artman Gallery in New York City.  See her work in WTP Vol. VIII #1.

Poems by

Cleopatra Mathis Her eighth book of poems, After the Body: Poems New and Selected, will be published by Sarabande Books in July. Her poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies, including The New Yorker, Poetry, Ploughshares, Tri-Quarterly, The Southern Review, The Georgia Review, The Best American Poetry, and two Pushcart Prize anthologies. The founder of the Creative Writing Program at Dartmouth College, and Frederick Sessions Beebe Professor in the Art of Writing, Emerita, she lives in East Thetford, Vermont.  See her work in WTP Vol. VIII #4.

View other recent Voice & Visions!