Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive.
In the WTP Spotlight:
George Casprowitz has been exhibited in solo shows in Toronto, New York, London, Seattle, Portland, Calgary, Victoria, and Philadelphia, in both private and public art galleries. He is represented by Agora-Gallery, Chelsea Art District in New York, NY.

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See more of his work in WTP Vol. VII #9
“My work depends on the viewer to relate its lines, circles, and open spaces to ideas beyond the physical objects—I was born and raised in Hollywood, California, in the 1940s. My first major career was in the movie industry, in the production side of film making. A film is produced in a rectangular format and like most paintings, tells a story using visual stimuli and is dependent upon the viewer to supply their experience to complete its story.
“Upon graduating from the University of Oregon, I entered into the sphere of architecture, working in both New York and Philadelphia. My background in architecture has added to all that I do; the understanding of line, color, and form were all from my architectural training; there is a consistency in dealing with composition and motion. However, it was the lack of color that got me out of architecture, but because architecture dealt mostly with textures, I felt I could easily transfer that into my paintings and draw on my strength as a colorist. My paintings use lines and solid forms as a preliminary format but the remaining negative space is of equal importance, as is color and texture. Color is the constant through all the various forms of my paintings, prints, and sculptures.”