As we approached Billie Holiday’s 100th birthday earlier this month (April 7, 1915 in Baltimore, MD), numerous musicians, performers, and jazz experts offered opinions about what makes Lady Day so indelible. Some mentioned her unique voice. Many focused on the emotional weight of her songs, remarking how well she translated her own misery and hardship into bluesy jazz. Others shorthanded it, saying…
Author: Keith Skinner
Keith Skinner writes fiction, memoir, creative nonfiction, and travel stories. He is also a photographer. His story “Inside the Tower” about Robinson Jeffers was a 2014 Travelers’ Tales Grand Prize Bronze Solas Award winner. He published the hyper-local blog Berkeley Afoot and his work has appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, Berkeleyside, Tales to Go, and Extract(s) Daily Dose of Lit. He is currently at work on a historical novel set in 19th century Mendocino County. He lives in Berkeley, CA.