WTP Artist: Dillon Samuelson

WTP Artist: Dillon Samuelson

Realistic and Impressionistic Portraiture By Jennifer Nelson, WTP Feature Writer Dillon Samuelson is a painter and illustrator from Pennsylvania. He graduated from the fine art program at York College of Pennsylvania in 2014, and the following year was awarded the third annual Appell Arts Fellowship at Marketview Arts. His work has been shown in exhibitions…

Art Spotlight: Shea Wilkinson

Art Spotlight: Shea Wilkinson

Condensing See Shea Wilkinson’s work in WTP Vol. VI #2 paper, silk chiffon, silk and wool fibers, polyester thread, and wool felt 16” x 23” I create machine-and-hand-stitched works, drawing with needle and thread. The stories I tell through my work relate to science, mythology, and natural and extraterrestrial worlds, portraying only a thin boundary in…

Site Review: Cynthia Grow

Site Review: Cynthia Grow

Paintings Influenced by Poetry By Richard Malinsky, Arts Editor There is a captivating ambiguity to Cynthia Grow’s paintings that reflects her desire “to create a mood where there may not be an obvious story.” Grow is a painter who explores themes of memory, desire, and interpersonal relationships in search of the intangible. And whose work…

Site Review: Ayaka Oku

Site Review: Ayaka Oku

Conceptual Photography Transcending Language By Richard Malinsky, Arts Editor Ayaka Oku is a young conceptual photographer from Japan whose work focuses on life experiences—childhood, aging, death—that transcend language and cultural barriers. These are big philosophical themes complicated by the site not being truly bilingual; much of the English translation requires work to fully understand its…