Featured Bookmarks: The Arts

Featured Bookmarks: The Arts

January 2017 By Donald Kolberg, Art Bookmarks Editor Monthly link highlights to online resources and websites that seem informative and inspiring for artists or art enthusiasts. Most are free. Suggestions are welcomed. Galleripple With so many sites looking to have what I call a “soft representation”—a chance to sell your work on their site—it’s nice to see some becoming more…

Site Review: Carol Setterlund

Site Review: Carol Setterlund

Multi-disciplinary painter and sculptor By Richard Malinsky, Arts Editor See Carol’s work in WTP Vol. V #1 There have been many artists who are technically both painters and sculptors, though one discipline usually dominates their oeuvre. Carol Setterlund is one of the rare breeds who proves herself equally accomplished in both disciplines. Rather than chronologically,…

Site Review: VIDA Women in Literary Arts

Site Review: VIDA Women in Literary Arts

A Literary Watchdog by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor In the online literary arena, VIDA: Women in Literary Arts stands apart. Many literary websites promote individual artists, curate resources for writers, or are literary journals. VIDA, however, takes on the unique role of watchdog for gender equity in literary publication. The VIDA Count, which the site…

Eye on the Indies

Eye on the Indies

A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Book Review Editor Book: Cabo de Gata: A Novel Minneapolis, MN: Graywolf Press, November 1, 2016 ($14.00 paperback, 120 pages). ISBN 978-1555977573 Author: Eugen Ruge Born in the Urals of Russia, Eugen Ruge is a writer, director, mathematician, and Russian translator who now lives in Berlin. His award-winning…

Art Spotlight: Andreja Hojnik Fišić

Art Spotlight: Andreja Hojnik Fišić

Under the Surface Looking Back on 2016 See her work in Vol. IV #4 Mixed media on canvas-cement 28″ x 28″ Fišić refers to her work as “sculptural abstract paintings.” She is always experimenting with new materials, including recycled ones: oils, burned cement, wood, sand, remnants of industrial materials. Using colors, structures, and textures can…

WTP Roundup: From the Editor

WTP Roundup: From the Editor

January 2017 By Sandra Tyler,  Editor-in-Chief With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, you may have missed some of our December features: A couple of particularly insightful interviews, with Charlotte Holmes on how she transitioned as a writer from poetry to prose; and printer-maker-turned-photographer Susan Malmstrom on her fascinating images of curiosity cabinets; and a…

Book Review: Know Thyself

Book Review: Know Thyself

“A poet writes to continue asking questions” By Ruth Lepson, poet-in-residence at New England Conservatory of Music It takes nerve to write homophonic renderings of Shakespeare’s sonnets, yet that’s exactly what Joyce Peseroff has done in one section of her well-crafted, complex recent book of poems: Like a granite island quarried to oblivion, her husband’s memory…