Site Review: Bill and Dave’s Cocktail Hour

Site Review: Bill and Dave’s Cocktail Hour

A Literary Blog with a Twist by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor The bantering banner of Bill and Dave’s Cocktail Hour is the perfect introduction to the general vibe of this web-blog that combines literary arts, politics, cartoons and more: quirky but crucial, conversational but intellectual. The founders, best-selling and award-winning authors Bill Roorbach (The Girl…

WTP Artist: Teresa Stanley

WTP Artist: Teresa Stanley

“The dance between the scientific inquiry and the artistic one.” by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor Teresa Stanley has exhibited her work extensively both nationally and internationally. She received her MFA from the University of California, Berkeley. A professor at Humboldt State University, she is the recipient of an individual artist grant from the Ingrid Nikelson Trust…

Jeff Alu: Seeing Beyond the Camera

Jeff Alu: Seeing Beyond the Camera

The Advantages of Being Rough on Your Photographic Equipment by Jeff Alu, see his work in Vol. IV #8 I don’t own any expensive photographic equipment. I prefer to shoot with cheaper point and shoot digital cameras. The reasoning for this is both practical and philosophical. First the practical: I’m hiking through a treacherous, rocky area…

Exhibition Review:  Agnes Martin

Exhibition Review: Agnes Martin

Abstract Expressionist or Minimalist? By Sandra Tyler, Editor-in-Chief Agnes Martin’s works are not immediately impactful. There is no Jackson Pollock wow factor. They are to be ruminated upon, studied; appreciated for their emotional resonance, a hallmark of abstract expressionism – a movement I’ve always identified foremost with my mother, with the sweeping gestural and atmospheric of her own…

Featured Bookmarks: The Literary

Featured Bookmarks: The Literary

Link Highlights for Writers and Readers By Dewitt Henry, Literary Bookmarks Editor LITERARY HUB may be a little cliquish and bell-jarred around the Manhattan publishing scene, but I applaud the mission of culling “the best of the literary net,” and the RSS feed (“Lit Hub Daily”) to my email-box directs me each day to some…

Eye on the Indies

Eye on the Indies

Indie Book Reviews and a Look at Indie Publishers by Lanie Tankard, Book Review Editor Book: Body of Water: A Sage, a Seeker, and the World’s Most Alluring Fish Minneapolis, MN: Milkweed Editions, October 11, 2016 ($24.00 cloth, 232 pages). ISBN 978-1-57131-352-2 (Also available as ebook.) Author: Chris Dombrowski An acknowledged poet, Chris Dombrowski speaks here…

WTP Artist: Theresa Knopf

WTP Artist: Theresa Knopf

“I Gave Myself the Challenge of Painting Without Paint.” Interview by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor Theresa Knopf is a recent graduate of the California State University at Northridge where she studied painting. Using a mixed medium including paint, textiles, thread, and cyanotype prints, Knopf creates pieces which reflect on women’s histories through restraint, concealing, and revealing.  Jaeger:…

A Story That Made Me Want to Write

A Story That Made Me Want to Write

On Yates’s “The Best of Everything” By DeWitt Henry, Contributing Editor I first read Richard Yates’s short story “The Best of Everything,” some fifty years ago.  Yates was in his prime then as the promising author of Revolutionary Road, which he had just followed with the collection, Eleven Kinds of Loneliness, where this story appears.…

Book Review: Grabbing the Apple

Book Review: Grabbing the Apple

An Anthology of New York Women Poets By Joyce Peseroff, Contributing Editor Edited byTerri Muuss and M.J. Tenerelli JB Stillwater Publishing The foreword to Terri Muuss and M.J. Tenerelli’s anthology of poems by New York women poets, Grabbing the Apple, could have been written forty years ago. “In response to the glaring lack of parity…