By Donald Kolberg Hey it’s April. Why are you still just thinking about the stuff you want to get done? The first 25% of the year is done. And it flew by. So take a breath, look around and do something new! Here are some links to charge your batteries. They’ll go well with coffee…
Author: Press Features

my lies have titles
Video Poetry — Donna Kuhn For our third National Poetry Month 2016 feature, we offer the video poetry of Donna Kuhn. video poetry by Donna Kuhn >> my lies have titles << She told The Woven Tale how she came to create what we are calling her “video poetry”: [dropcap color=”#034582″]I [/dropcap]was making very strange…

Flash Non-Fiction and Poem | Charles Bane, Jr.
Hybrid Writing — The Falling Sickness Essay-poem hybrid writing by Charles Bane, Jr. [dropcap]O[/dropcap]f all the gifts a poet can be given, epilepsy is the richest. I fell when I was four. It was kept hidden by my family; my father had it scrubbed from my medical records. But my life was already deeply private,…

Art Spotlight: Michael Dickel
National Poetry Month Winter window Outside the opportune window one pink head survives above geranium leaves blowing in the winter wind, covered with cold rain dropped from dimmed desire. The basil released its hope in the face of the war— forces of December and January— (more…)

WTP Artist: Melinda Tidwell
Never a lack of the experimental Melinda Tidwell was born in a small town in the Rocky Mountains of northern Utah. She attended university in Salt Lake City and graduated with honors in Mathematics. Her lifelong interest in abstraction, books, and vintage materials now finds expression in her work as a fine artist. She lives…

Adam & Eve—Annariitta Saarelainen
Art Video by Annariitta Saarelainen Adam & Eve, an art video walk through an exhibit of work by Finnish Artist Annariitta Saarelainen, is a work of art of its own. [dropcap]I [/dropcap]see my surroundings through mediums of light and shadow. My roots as a photographer manifest in deep attention to detail and focus on form-expression.…

Super Charging the Mind's Eye
My palette like a mantra under the light of the full moon… With her palette muted, painting outside under a full moon, Alicia R. Peterson reached deep inside to find that she is not alone. More of her work appeara in the April issue of The Woven Tale Press. By Alicia R. Peterson I was…

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs
By Donald Kolberg Here’s another wonderful poster from the past. Of course it has to do with coffee. But you’ll find the links below are a bit more modern in their bent. So here we go, Enjoy! Hauser Wirth & Schimmel in Los Angeles’ downtown art district is presenting an incredible view through the eyes…

Art Spotlight: Vincent Minor
Portraiture (Portrait Photography) as Narrative Vincent Minor displays his digital portrait photography, also called portraiture, in The Woven Tale Press IV:1 …I began exploring new ways to express myself, through characters and storytelling with digital photography/manipulation. I started using self-portrait as a means…of creating a narrative from a concept into a visual image. …

Writing—an elusive art of wisps and webs
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]riting is such an elusive art. Writers are often cagey about the origin of their creations when asked where the story started. Not every story is explainable. There are the kinds that start with a wisp of an idea, which is flushed out after years of research. Other stories draw the writer into its web,…

Video, Digital, Analogue, Performance, Textile—LoVid's Collaborative Art
Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus, the collaborative LoVid, do everything from paper and textile to performance and video. Their art intersects with technologies and human cultures. What emerges defies easy categories: interdisciplinary, multi-media, cyborg-art. Call it what you will, it provokes plenty of thought. Read more in this interview, Between Digital and Analogue / Man…

Art Spotlight: Beau Wild
Observation, Art, Emotion: Beau Wild in The Woven Tale Press IV:1 Beau Wild on her art: “While I assume the objective position of the observer, these glimpses open a small window through which I can also look inside my own emotional life.” See more of Beau Wild’s art, including other media, in The Woven Tale…