By Salena Godden Adapted from the introduction to her collection of poetry, Fishing in the Aftermath. Early on, I learned that the writing life would not be an easy life. I would have to hustle. Poetry is not for the fame hungry or the lightweight. I believe every book should lead you to another book,…
Author: Press Features
Special Woven Tale Press Art Exhibition
Big News! The Press goes LIVE! A special Woven Tale Press exhibition! Opening reception is this Saturday, December 5th, 6-9 pm: Selected Woven Tale Works 2015 All are welcome to attend, especially those near Putman, Connecticut. This show is being held in conjunction with the publication of our first Woven Tale Press selected works print edition. The…

WTP Artist: Richard Malinsky
Interview with Richard Malinsky What are you working on in your studio right now? I’m working on a commission for a private collector in Philadelphia. What is your primary or favorite medium and why? My primary medium is liquid acrylic. I like to pour the paint and move it around while it is fluid and let it…
Art Spotlight: Richard Malinsky
“Golden’s Light,” acrylic on canvas, 31″ x 29″ By Richard Malinsky of “What sets my work apart from Abstract Expressionism is a return to atmospheric depth, and an evocative poetic link to contemporary color field abstraction.” See more of his work in The Woven Tale Press Vol. III #8

Mike Stone: "Write What You Know About"
“Character is what interests me most. I fell in love with the characters in my novels.” Interview with Mike Stone of See his work in The Woven Tale Press Vol. III #11 Tell us about your writing process. (Do you outline, revise extensively, use pen and paper, stickies, etc.) The answer depends on the kind of…
Art Spotlight: Francesca Tabor-Moilla
Silly Ole Proverbial Box by Francesca Tabor-Mozilla “As a painter, I continuously struggle to create order and balance out of Chaos.”

WTP Artist: Francesca Tabor-Miolla
Interview with Francesca Tabor-Miolla See Tabor-Miolla’s work in WTP Vol. III #2 What are you working on in your studio right now? Right now I’m putzing a bit, just coming off a four-month hiatus after surgery. That being said, I enjoy working with encaustic and basic metalsmithing, so I’m just about ready to begin a new ‘Talisman’…

Artist Patricia Anders
Patricia Anders is featured in Vol. III #11 of The Woven Tale Press What are you working on in your studio right now? I always have multiple projects going on simultaneously. I’m a fickle one and can not stick with one medium. Currently I am working on an encaustic book of experimental images and media.…

The Power of Poetry
By Mike Stone What is it about some poetry that makes such an impact on us? Of course there are those who see any and all poetry (or art for that matter) as effete snobbery and foppery, princing and prancing around on slippered tiptoes; in other words, less than useless. This is not for them.…

Glass Transfer Artist, Wren Panzella
Interview by Donald Kolberg I recently had the opportunity to revisit with Wren Panzella after our feature on her work in Vol. III #7. The following interview came out of that conversation: DK: You have said it is your intention in your artwork to create a figurative, sensual and visual art form. How has the glass…

I received a wonderful email from Robert Cook about wanting to buy one of my works for his wife. I sell on line so at first the email sounded legitimate BUT THEN… I noticed some grammar mistakes and was suddenly uneasy. I did some research and found a web site and another site with scammer names,…

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs
By Donald Kolberg I added a vintage coffee pot found at a local junk store to my collection. But before it goes on the shelf it must be tried. So I’ve got my coffee and here are your blog sites for the week. I usually go to this site twice a week. There…