By David Hayes See his work in WTP Vol. III #3 Some time ago I ran an online project entitled the “Recipe Book Project,” where I shared my “recipes” for creating Iphoneography images. I also invited other artists to contribute their images and recipes. This went on for a bit…but then it didn’t and I…
Author: Press Features
The Contemporary Haiku
By Eliot Gilbert I’ve had a fling with haiku lately. Sometimes I pick out a collection of poems and take it out of the university library to read between the spastic wave crests of work. I like poetry collections and short story anthologies because I can get a small hit of literature to enjoy and…
Asemic Writing as Art
Wordless writing, illegible writing, new forms of writing By Tom Venning Asemic writing has no semantic content. The letters are illegible, invented, or primal. The text has no verbal sense. Through its formatting and structure, it may suggest a type of document, or coded diagram, thereby, hint at meaning. Asemic writing can be understood through…
Quitting Isn't Complicated
By Sydney Scrogham He left before it rained. He’s across from me on the couch, sitting crisscross applesauce, and he picks at the hem of his brown t-shirt. My hands sandwich between my legs as I bounce my knees up and down against the grey-blue couch cushions—like a butterfly without flight. Shadows from my legs…
Linkin Park Burning In The Skies
A photo-manipulation animated video by DarkAngelOne of
How to Manage an Unruly Manuscript
The Timeline: Early readers of Stella Rose have asked me how I managed to keep it all straight. Granted, Stella Rose is no Game of Thrones in complexity, but it does reflect contemporary lifestyles which are complicated and tangled. So how does a novelist keep it all straight? Tools. NOTE: I hate tools. Most folks love…
Photo Apps: A Tea Party Instagram Challenge
By David Hayes See his work in WTP Vol. III #3 There are times when I hit a creative block…like everyone does. I’ve learned to try not to fret about this and to be patient. Most times this works. As of late I’ve had one of those blocks, until I saw a challenge on Instagram…
The Digital Photo in the Raw
By Riccardo Mantero I’m allowing myself here a small vent: If there is one thing that makes me mount the beast, is showing my photos to someone for the first time and hearing : “Hey, but you…. Photoshopped them!“ If you want to piss me off, photographically speaking, that is one of the best ways. And I usually would like to respond…
Quality Alert? Writers and The Internet
A writer must consider quality content above all else: This is a great statement when you first glance at it. It is one of these “think positive” type of messages we all love to hear or read about. I agree with the statement, in the surface style it is given, but I don’t agree writers must…
Six Tips For Writing That First Novel
Writing novels when you have experience is daunting. Writing a first novel, then, can seem like an impossible task, especially when you have nothing going for you except desire and a head full of ideas. I recently commented on a book by someone who asked for a review through my Review Exchange offer. I could tell…
Selling Your Self-Published Book
By Rebecca A. Emrich When self-publishing a book, there is an emphasis on building more relationships, teams, and networks that you might not have needed in comparison to traditional publishing. People do want to help, but most are either afraid to criticize or are willing to destroy your dreams in an effort to make themselves feel…
Art Soup
By Donald Kolberg A recipe for excuses that you can serve any time of year: Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: Your whole Life Serving Size: Every time you do art Ingredients One large project or a small series of projects (even one small project can be substituted) a squeeze of time a reduced desire to succeed…