If there’s one thing I hate, it’s seeing writers down on themselves. Any of this sound familiar? “I can’t fix dinner because everyone hates my book.” “I just got a one star review–my life is over.” “This thing sucks (delete delete delete).” Okay, maybe you don’t say that out loud, but have you thought it? …
Author: Sydney

How to Hang Onto Your Next Big Idea When You Need Sleep
You’re tapping that keyboard late into the night and tell yourself, “Man, I’ve got to get this writing out.” But your Wise shoulder angel slugs your Writing shoulder angel and says, “You’ve gotta sleep! There’s an early morning ahead of you.” What do you do? If you stop writing now, you can get some sleep…

De-cliché-ify A Phrase Like "Everything Went Black"
What is that phrase you read that bugs you? It’s not cliché (like all that and a bag of chips), but yet, because it appears in almost every single book you read, it is cliché. My phrase: Everything went black. (Here’s a little something fun–the origin of the phrase “everything went black” and other clichés…)…

Letter To A Broken Bride
Dear Broken Bride, This letter’s for you who got left at the altar. I know you weren’t actually left at the altar, but it still feels the same, doesn’t it? He asked for the ring back, and now there’s an empty space on your finger where you feel nothing but cold air. Even your skin…

Come To The Bright Side: Character 101
You know the rules. Things have got to get worse before they can get better. Let your character have a goal, but don’t give him what he wants. That’s why people keep reading. You’ve also got to dish up all your character’s flaws on a silver platter. To have a moving story, your flawed character…

5 Things Writers Know Are True
You’re a creative artist, and no one (except for other creative artists) understands you. I get that. Here are some things you know are true that other people around you just don’t get! There’s a season for writing (and planning, and editing…). You sit at the computer and wail at the blank screen. Your pen…