A Collage of Broken Realms

A Collage of Broken Realms

Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Driftwood by Marie Brennan (San Francisco: Tachyon, August 14, 2020; 224 pages; $15.95 trade paperback: ISBN 978-1-61696-346-0; $9.99 digital formats: ISBN 978-1-61696-347-7).  “Thus sang Úlfr Uggason: ‘….With old tales the hall was painted.’” —Snorri Sturlson, The…

Meticulously Constructed Collage

Meticulously Constructed Collage

  Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive.   Gladys Nilsson’s work is featured in the collections of major museums around the world, including: the Art Institute of Chicago; the Los…

Description Brings the Past to Life

Description Brings the Past to Life

“Simple Things Beautifully Described” By WTP Guest Reviewer Philip Lawton Telling Sonny: A Novel by Elizabeth Gauffreau (New York, NY: Adelaide Books, December 1, 2018; 340 pages; $22.30). In Telling Sonny: A Novel, Elizabeth Gauffreau brings her extraordinary gift of observation to the insular world of inland America in the mid-1920s. Faby Gauthier, the central character,…

Reimagined Architecture

Reimagined Architecture

Nikola Olic is a Serbian photographer living and working in Dallas, Texas, who focuses on architectural photography and abstract structural quotes that reimagine their subjects in dimensionless and disorienting ways. His photography has appeared in various galleries, art events, museums, magazines, newspapers, spaces, and websites around the world, including Wired.com, BBC News, The Guardian, Yahoo.com,…