Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Nina Tichava, raised in both rural northern New Mexico and the Bay Area in California, was influenced by her father, a construction worker and…
Author: WTP

Boy With A Flying Squirrel
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Joshua Jones received his MFA from UMass Boston and is a PhD candidate at the University of North Texas. His poems and essays have…

On Writing
A Translation By Abdón Ubidia Translated from Spanish by Nathan D. Horowitz Excerpted from a longer essay, “50 sombras de un escritor.” The writer should obey only his own poetic animal. Find yours. Search even the stupidest places in your heart. If something in your writing sounds wrong to you, it will sound even worse…

WTP Vol. X #2
This month: digital art, poetry, recycled books, beaded painting, fiction and more. To view more extraordinary issues, visit our WTP Magazine page click on cover to go to issue Print copy available here.

Creating a Dedicated Home Studio
Inside the Studio with David Provan Inside the Studio offers a behind-the-scenes peek into the work environments of WTP artists, as well as insight into their creative process within these resonate spaces. See David Provan’s work in WTP Vol. X #1. By Jennifer Nelson, WTP Feature Writer David Provan is grateful he has a studio that allows…

A Birth Primer
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Gary Fincke’s latest collection of essays, The Darkness Call, won the Robert C. Jones Prize (Pleaides Press, 2018). Earlier nonfiction books are published by…

Writing Effective Dialogue
Some Additional Suggestions By WTP Writer Richard Wertime Woven Tale Press writer Richard Wertime reflects on the craft of fiction in an ongoing series of craft notes What is it in fiction that yields the most compelling dialogue? The creation of characters who achieve for us, as readers, an unparalleled distinctiveness, a certain something in…

To Keep
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Susan Johnson received her MFA and PhD from UMass Amherst, where she teaches writing. Her poems have recently appeared in Rhino, Into the Void,…

Photographing Life Authentically
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Paula Rae Gibson is a fine-art photographer from London. She has had solo shows in Los Angeles, Tokyo, Zurich, Rotterdam, Budapest, and London. Diary…

Exploring Grief and Space-Time
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor The Almond in the Apricot by Sara Goudarzi (Dallas: Deep Vellum Books, February 15, 2022; 252 pp.; $22.00 hardcover; also available as ebook; ISBN 9781646051090). “Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in the…

WTP Vol. X #1
This month: magnificent stoneware sculpture , digital renderings, battered images pie crust promises, and more. click on cover to go to issue Print copy available here. To view more extraordinary issues, visit our WTP Magazine page

Experimenting with Methods and Gunpowder
For over forty years, Lia Rothstein has been a professional photographer and artist. She has taught digital photography and imaging in colleges and art centers throughout New England, as well as workshops in cold wax painting and encaustics. She directed the award-winning PhotoStop Gallery in White River Junction, VT. Her photographic and mixed media work…