See Jean Poythress Koon’s work in WTP Vol. VII #5

pine needles,
copper foil, straight pins,
watch band, watche,
hasp, faucet handle
8” x 4”
“I live at the edge of a salt marsh and this fragile environment has become my muse. It provides salt marsh hay for coiling, and shells for bases, but more than that, it gives me a peace that allows my creativity to flow. As the seasons change, so do the colors of the marsh, and I have always been inspired to capture this in my work. Along the way I discovered that copper also imbues these same seasonal hues, but more importantly it seems to embody the very real tension between the marsh and ever encroaching civilization. This conflict drives my current work and hopefully is my voice of concern. I want to speak louder!”

Jean Poythress Koon has enjoyed fiber arts since childhood, but since retirement as a culinary arts teacher she has focused on coiled basketry. Basketry has become a second career. She teaches coiled basketry for state guilds, conferences, conventions, and craft schools all across the country. She serves on the Board of Directors of the National Basketry organization. Her work has been exhibited in juried shows and exhibitions, as well as published in national magazines, and is the subject of Creative Coiling: The Artistry of Jean Poythress Koon, written by former student Hetty Van Gurp. Currently she is exploring the combination of copper and coilediy pine needle basketry to create sculptural forms.