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Justin Peyser was born in Boston in 1964 and grew up in Livingston, New Jersey. He studied Visual & Environmental Studies at Harvard College, and Painting at the Art Students League of New York and the Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna, Italy. He lives and works in New York.

See his work in Vol. VIII #3
“These sculptures investigate how we demarcate, claim, and control. I made them while in residency in Siena, Italy. That city-state knew something about dominion. My materials are arranged the way planners create zoning. These uses go here, others there, some mixed. The widgets get arranged as place-markers. They get grouped and typed. In one, the people on the other side of the hill covet what you have and may come over the crest for it. Yet the whole is masked inside what looks like a harmless reference book left open on a table. The objects meld into some unity or representation, a tableaux or totem or set of tablets or table as if tamed or domesticated. But, geography is never neutral.”