Why Donate to WTP?
Because ten times a year we bring you a fine art magazine that is also a literary journal, equally weighted toward poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual arts. Our magazine is meant to be experienced aesthetically as much as intellectually, because we feel strongly that the poem, the painting, the story, installation, the photography, memoir, should not be mutually exclusive. They are each expressive in their own right, but together they resonate, even resound— they invigorate our minds and sensibilities, so we might begin to understand what it truly means to be cultured.
But here’s the thing. Bringing you each issue involves the dedication of our editorial team, all who are modestly compensated for their expertise. I feel they have largely stuck by me because they believe in the the WTP mission and for that I am most grateful. In addition, there are plenty of overhead costs, despite our being a primarily online entity. At this point in time, WTP is solely being financed by my own personal investment. It is truly a labor of love, as much as it is my mother’s legacy. But we cannot remain self-sustaining forever. We could use your help so we can continue to bring you the finest art and literary from artists, writers, photographers and poets from around the world. Please consider donating whatever you can, and if you are interested in sponsoring The Woven Tale Press, you can contact me at editor@thewoventalepress.net. A heartfelt thank you.
~ Sandra