September 2017 By Donald Kolberg, Arts Bookmarks Editor Monthly link highlights to online resources and websites that seem informative and inspiring for artists or art enthusiasts. Most are free. Suggestions are welcomed. Harold Garde As we age and the people who inspired, taught, and befriended us pass, it is always a joy to be able to remark on a…
Tag: creative writing

WTP Writer: Vic Sizemore
“I try to observe like Chaucer, not judge like Dante” by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor Vic Sizemore is the author of three novels, The Calling, Seekers, and She Rises Crying. His fiction has won the New Millennium Writings Award. Sizemore’s short fiction and nonfiction is published or forthcoming in StoryQuarterly, Southern Humanities Review, Connecticut Review,…

Site Review: Word Tango
Writing Doesn’t Have to be a Solo Sport by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor One challenge of online communities is creating a warm, welcoming environment in the absence of a physical meeting. Word Tango, which offers remote writing workshops and an online community for fiction and genre writers, is not revolutionary in its concept. Where Word…

Site Review: Talking Writing
“Creating meaning through personal stories.” By Emily Jaeger, Features Editor Talking Writing, an online literary journal spearheaded by Martha Nichols and Jennifer Jean, aims to provide a home for first-person journalism. Defined on their “About” page as “features told from a personal perspective but underpinned by research and reporting,” first-person journalism, the editors claim, is an…

Site Review: Wally Swist
“Living in a farming area and observing nature…has been my own version of living a Thoreauvian or Franciscan kind of life” By Emily Jaeger, Features Editor Submit your website for review by WTP Wally Swist’s works range the gamut—as the author of over twenty collections of poetry, on his website you will find his complete bibliography,…

J.D. Scrimgeour: Finding Inspiration in the Classroom
“Classrooms can be some of the most intimate public spaces.” by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor J. D. Scrimgeour is the author of Themes For English B: A Professor’s Education In and Out of Class, which won the AWP Award for Nonfiction. Recent nonfiction has appeared in African American Review, biostories, Brilliant Corners, Pangyrus, The Quotable…

Interview: Ned Stuckey-French
The Literary Essay in 2017 Interview by Paul Haney, Nonfiction Editor, Redivider Ned Stuckey-French teaches at Florida State University and is book review editor of Fourth Genre. He is the author of The American Essay in the American Century (University of Missouri Press, 2011), co-editor (with Carl Klaus) of Essayists on the Essay: From Montaigne to…

Site Review: Pen + Brush
Achieving Gender Parity Through the Arts by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor Founded in 1894 by Janet and Mary Lewis, Pen + Brush has been at the forefront of gender parity in the arts for over 120 years. In its current incarnation as a gallery in the Flatiron District of New York City, Pen + Brush…

Site Review: SFK Press
Southern Fried Karma by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor SFK Press, a.k.a. Southern Fried Karma, is an independent press founded by Steve McCondichie devoted to publishing Southern authors. Based in Metro Atlanta, McCondichie is after works that expand the definition of Southern literature, from “the bespectacled Flannery O’Connor” to authors who “have dumped the askew pastorals…

Site Review: LitReactor
Gaming the Workshop by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor The team behind LitReactor, a literary website that offers online classes and writers’ workshops, a features magazine, a podcast, and a Reddit-esque community chatroom, doesn’t shy away from bold claims. On their about page, they boast: “If you’re passionate about reading and/or writing, this is the only website…

WTP Writer: Stephen Davenport
“I’m in a hurry—which is a great way to live.” Interview by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor Stephen Davenport has taught and coached in both day and boarding schools and has been the head of The Country School in Madison, Connecticut and of The Athenian School in Danville, California. Davenport draws on his long experience of working…

Site Review: The Review Review
Demystifying Literary Magazines by Emily Jaeger, Features Editor In 2008, Becky Tuch, the founder of The Review Review, felt like she had hit a publishing wall: “I stopped submitting to literary magazines. As a fiction writer, trying to get my work published felt as futile and inconsequential as trying to write my name on a…