Audio Poetry: The Writing Life By Kirstin Maguire [dropcap]K[/dropcap]irstin Maguire produces her poems in audio at SoundCloud as well as publishing them in numerous publications and collections, including Every Day Poems, The Guardian, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine and Cannon Poets. Her debut collection was a collaboration with Artist Jane Moore— the Sketch A Day…
Tag: creative writing

Woven Tale Press Editor Jo Ely | In Her Own Words
Writing My First Novel Jo Ely [dropcap]I[/dropcap]f truly committed, one can always find time to write–poet Salena Godden gets up at 4 am, and short story writer and novelist Jacqueline Crooks would write on buses and trains, commuting to her seven-day-a-week job. Not many people have that kind of commitment, and I am no exception. I…

Literary Spotlight: J.G. McClure
The Deer J. G. McClure [dropcap]G[/dropcap]lass. Glass and blood not his own. His own mistake—the drinks, the brakes too late. Too late for the deer sprawled in the dark, slick road. Slick roads, he thought, it’s these slick fucking roads. Not the drinks. The man stood in the road and watched the woman watch the…

David Gaffney | In His Own Words
[dropcap]D[/dropcap]avid Gaffney comes from Cleator Moor in West Cumbria and now lives in Manchester. The Guardian says that “One-hundred-and-fifty words by Gaffney are more worthwhile than novels by a good many others.” He is the author of several books of fiction and flash fiction, including Sawn-Off Tales (2006), Aromabingo (2007), Never Never (2008), The Half-Life of…

David Loret De Mola — Guerrilla Poetry
What is guerrilla poetry? Sit back, watch and listen to a bit of WORD performed by David Loret De Mola during a guerrilla poetry reading in California. Take the poetry to the streets! Take the poetry to the streets! Poetry to the People! Inspired? Read on. Down below the line, there’s a link where you…

Poet Activists
Poets Speak Out By Michael Dickel [dropcap]A[/dropcap] few years ago, poet activist Michael Rothenberg contacted me. He asked if I would be willing to organize an event for the world-wide 100,000 Poets for Change (100TPC) Day. He and his partner, Terri Carrion, began 100TPC organically five years ago, which means a couple of years before…

Video Poetry: Aaron Fagan
My Entrepreneurial Spirit Aaron Fagan on Video Poetry [dropcap]V[/dropcap]ideo offers an opportunity to add texture and dimension to a poem, and perhaps a different, hopefully more inviting, way to experience poetry. I’m not looking for any literal relationship, I just like how language, music, and image can correspond with each other like a dialogue. Aaron Fagan…

A Poem from Natasha Head
Failed Enough Natasha Head I’ve failed enough times to know Good intentions don’t win gold stars I’ve fallen enough times to know Gravity trumps God I’ve lost enough times to know Hanging on Only serves to steal your strength And hope may be a thing with feathers But is more likely to show up As…

Poet Charles Bane, Jr. | Video
In Paris—Charles Bane, Jr., Reading [dropcap]C[/dropcap]harles Bane, Jr., publishes occasional fiction, but his writing life is devoted to poetry and its advocacy. His first book of poetry came to the notice of Past U.S. Poet Laureate Donald Hall, who corresponded with him for a year. These letters were donated to The Paris Review and University…

WTP Writer: Eleanor Hooker
Her Poetry Collection | Flash Fiction | & Life [dropcap]E[/dropcap]leanor Hooker’s first poetry collection, The Shadow Owner’s Companion, was published by The Dedalus Press in 2012. Her second collection will be published later this year. In February 2016 she was awarded First Prize in Bare Fiction’s Flash Fiction competition in the UK, and her short…

my lies have titles
Video Poetry — Donna Kuhn For our third National Poetry Month 2016 feature, we offer the video poetry of Donna Kuhn. video poetry by Donna Kuhn >> my lies have titles << She told The Woven Tale how she came to create what we are calling her “video poetry”: [dropcap color=”#034582″]I [/dropcap]was making very strange…

Flash Non-Fiction and Poem | Charles Bane, Jr.
Hybrid Writing — The Falling Sickness Essay-poem hybrid writing by Charles Bane, Jr. [dropcap]O[/dropcap]f all the gifts a poet can be given, epilepsy is the richest. I fell when I was four. It was kept hidden by my family; my father had it scrubbed from my medical records. But my life was already deeply private,…