Jeffrey Harrison is the author of six books of poetry. In addition, a volume of selected early poems, The Names of Things, was published by The Waywiser Press in 2006. He has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Bogliasco Foundation, among other honors. His poems have appeared widely…
Tag: interview

A Painter Making Sculpture
For the past twenty-five years, Heather Gorham has been painting and making sculpture—for this artist, the one complements the other. The painter and sculptor uses a variety of mediums including acrylic, wood, resin, and bronze. Gorham’s figurative artwork revolves around the tangible interpretation of the everyday in which she creates—with a twist—a dreamy window into…

An Archeological Approach to the Writing Craft
Interview with Elizabeth Mosier Interview by Maribel Garcia Novelist and essayist Elizabeth Mosier logged one thousand volunteer hours processing colonial-era artifacts at Philadelphia’s Independence National Historical Park Archeology Laboratory to write Excavating Memory: Archaeology and Home (New Rivers Press, 2019). A graduate of Bryn Mawr College and the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, her…

Robert B. Shaw
“The internet has made it easier for metrical poets to find each other.” Interview by Sara London, Poetry Editor Robert B. Shaw is the author, most recently, of A Late Spring, and After (Pinyon Publishing, 2016). Among his previous six collections are Aromatics, a co-winner of The Poets’ Prize, and Solving for X. He is…

Ken Collins
“It is my firm belief that having a film background is a great advantage working in digital photography.” Interview by Jennifer Nelson, WTP Feature Writer Ken Collins is a professional photographer and artist in New York City. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including American Theater, New York Magazine, The New York Times, ARTnews,…

WTP 2018 Winner: Cynthia Manick
“As a poet, the poem has to be more than a single moment; it has to point to something.” Interview by Joyce Peseroff, WTP 2018 Poetry Judge Cynthia Manick is the author of Blue Hallelujahs (Black Lawrence Press, 2016), and is a Pushcart Prize–nominated poet with an MFA in Creative Writing from the New School.…

WTP Artist: Nancy Breakstone
Photographing Impressions in the Sand Interview by Jennifer Nelson, WTP Feature Writer Nancy Breakstone is a Connecticut-based photographer who calls herself a “water-woman.” Oceans inspire her artistically, and water sports contribute to her physical and emotional well-being. She has travelled to beaches around the world, including Playa Negra in Costa Rica where she took photos…

WTP Artist: Barry Masteller
“I want my work to always be in flux.” Interview by Jennifer Nelson, WTP Feature Writer Barry G. Masteller is a self-taught abstract painter and photographer living in New York City and Albuquerque, New Mexico. He became deeply interested in photography after moving to the Monterey Peninsula from Los Angeles in 1970. His photographs are…

Interview: Bill Hall and Rebecca Michelman
Artmaking, and the Curatorial Process Interview by Emilia Dubicki, WTP Art Correspondent WTP art correspondent Emilia Dubicki interviews Bill Hall and Rebecca Michelman to gain insight into Hall’s art-making and Michelman’s curatorial process, and how the two crossed paths. Hall was included in Print Facets: Five Centuries of Printmaking and Enchanted Landscapes, two print exhibits…

WTP Artist: Shea Wilkinson
Free Motion Quilting Interview by Jennifer Nelson, WTP Feature Writer A native of Nebraska, Shea Wilkinson has been sewing since childhood. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and German from the University of Nebraska, Omaha. After graduation, she taught English in Mexico; during this time she became passionate about creating art. She…

WTP Artist: Dillon Samuelson
Realistic and Impressionistic Portraiture By Jennifer Nelson, WTP Feature Writer Dillon Samuelson is a painter and illustrator from Pennsylvania. He graduated from the fine art program at York College of Pennsylvania in 2014, and the following year was awarded the third annual Appell Arts Fellowship at Marketview Arts. His work has been shown in exhibitions…

WTP Writer: Paul Corrigan
“I must believe there is a place in the American canon for nature writing.” Interview by August Smith, WTP Feature Writer Paul Corrigan is a poet and essayist who has published his work in numerous magazines and literary journals, including The Maine Times, Blueline, Poetry Northwest and Yankee. He has been a high school English…