Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Driftwood by Marie Brennan (San Francisco: Tachyon, August 14, 2020; 224 pages; $15.95 trade paperback: ISBN 978-1-61696-346-0; $9.99 digital formats: ISBN 978-1-61696-347-7). “Thus sang Úlfr Uggason: ‘….With old tales the hall was painted.’” —Snorri Sturlson, The…
Tag: lanie tankard

Alternate History of the Atomic Age
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor The Oppenheimer Alternative by Robert J. Sawyer (Rockville, Maryland: CAEZIK SF & Fantasy, an imprint of Arc Manor LLC, June 2, 2020; 374 pages; $16.99; trade paper ISBN 978-1-64710-013-1). Published in Canada by Red Deer Press…

STAY by Nick Flynn
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Stay: threads, conversations, collaborations by Nick Flynn (Houston, Texas: ZE Books in partnership with Unnamed Press of Los Angeles, March 17, 2020; 311 pages; $35.00 hardcover; ISBN 978-1733540117). “…you must have chaos within you to give…

Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Osnabrück Station to Jerusalem: A Memoir by Hélène Cixous (New York: Fordham University Press, March 3, 2020; 144 pages; $24.95 hardcover; ISBN 9780823287628). Translated by Peggy Kamuf, foreword by Eva Hoffman. Originally published in French as Gare…

An Insane Novel for Insane Times
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Little Constructions: A Novel by Anna Burns (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Graywolf Press, February 18, 2020; 312 pages; $16.00; paperback ISBN 978-1-64445-013-0). First published in Great Britain by Fourth Estate in 2007. “In violence, we forget who we…

BIRDER ON BERRY LANE by Robert Tougias
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Birder on Berry Lane: Three Acres, Twelve Months, Thousands of Birds by Robert Tougias, illustrated by Mark Szantyr (Watertown, Massachusetts: Imagine! Publishing (a Charlesbridge imprint), March 17, 2020; 224 pages; $19.99; hardback ISBN 978-1-62354-541-3). “O, well…

Defying Genres
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Include Me Out by María Sonia Cristoff, translated from the Spanish by Katherine Silver (Oakland, California: Transit Books, February 4, 2020. 140 pages; $16.95; paperback ISBN 978-1-945492-30-3; ebook ISBN 978-1-945492-33-4). Originally published as Inclúyanme afuera by Editorial…

Eye on the Indies A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Last of Her Name: A Novella & Stories by Mimi Lok (Los Angeles: Kaya Press, October 22, 2019. 200 pages; $16.95; paperback original ISBN 978-1-885030-61-0). “…thereby hangs a tale.” —William Shakespeare (As You Like It, The…

There’s Nothing like The Nothing That Is
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor The Nothing That Is: Essays on Art, Literature and Being by Johanna Skibsrud (Toronto: Book*hug Press, October 1, 2019 (Essais Series No. 9). 128 pages; $20.00; paperback original ISBN 9781771665261). “Nothing will come of nothing: speak again.”—…

CHIMERICA by Anita Felicelli
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Chimerica by Anita Felicelli (Santa Rosa, CA: WTAW Press, September 5, 2019. 296 pages; $18.95; paperback ISBN 978-1-73298-201-7). “The Lemur People are older than Homo Sap, much older.” —William S. Burroughs, Ghost of Chance Anita Felicelli’s…

Indigenous Literature
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Indigenous Literatures from Micronesia, edited by Evelyn Flores and Emelihter Kihleng (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2019. 384 pages; $90.00 hardback, ISBN 9780824875411; $30.00 paperback, ISBN 9780824877460). New Oceania Literary Series editor: Craig Santos Perez “Even…

DOTTORESSA by Susan Levenstein
Eye on the Indies: A Look at Indie Authors and Their Publishers By Lanie Tankard, Indie Book Review Editor Dottoressa: An American Doctor in Rome by Susan Levenstein, MD (Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books, May 21, 2019. 270 pages; $16.95; paperback original ISBN 978-1-58988-139-6.) Paese che vai, usanze che trovi. (When in Rome, do as the…