By Annariitta Saarelainen Watch her make jewelry from tin… [dropcap]H[/dropcap]ere is my latest video, about making tin jewelry. It is a way to make smaller things as opposed to working in iron or bronze. I was trying these as an experiment so that I could do some casting at home, where I could easily achieve…
Tag: video

David Loret De Mola — Guerrilla Poetry
What is guerrilla poetry? Sit back, watch and listen to a bit of WORD performed by David Loret De Mola during a guerrilla poetry reading in California. Take the poetry to the streets! Take the poetry to the streets! Poetry to the People! Inspired? Read on. Down below the line, there’s a link where you…

Video Poetry: Aaron Fagan
My Entrepreneurial Spirit Aaron Fagan on Video Poetry [dropcap]V[/dropcap]ideo offers an opportunity to add texture and dimension to a poem, and perhaps a different, hopefully more inviting, way to experience poetry. I’m not looking for any literal relationship, I just like how language, music, and image can correspond with each other like a dialogue. Aaron Fagan…

Poet Charles Bane, Jr. | Video
In Paris—Charles Bane, Jr., Reading [dropcap]C[/dropcap]harles Bane, Jr., publishes occasional fiction, but his writing life is devoted to poetry and its advocacy. His first book of poetry came to the notice of Past U.S. Poet Laureate Donald Hall, who corresponded with him for a year. These letters were donated to The Paris Review and University…

my lies have titles
Video Poetry — Donna Kuhn For our third National Poetry Month 2016 feature, we offer the video poetry of Donna Kuhn. video poetry by Donna Kuhn >> my lies have titles << She told The Woven Tale how she came to create what we are calling her “video poetry”: [dropcap color=”#034582″]I [/dropcap]was making very strange…

Adam & Eve—Annariitta Saarelainen
Art Video by Annariitta Saarelainen Adam & Eve, an art video walk through an exhibit of work by Finnish Artist Annariitta Saarelainen, is a work of art of its own. [dropcap]I [/dropcap]see my surroundings through mediums of light and shadow. My roots as a photographer manifest in deep attention to detail and focus on form-expression.…

Video, Digital, Analogue, Performance, Textile—LoVid's Collaborative Art
Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus, the collaborative LoVid, do everything from paper and textile to performance and video. Their art intersects with technologies and human cultures. What emerges defies easy categories: interdisciplinary, multi-media, cyborg-art. Call it what you will, it provokes plenty of thought. Read more in this interview, Between Digital and Analogue / Man…

Video: Harry Wicks on Turned-Wood Art
Press artist Harry Wicks discusses his work in this short video. In this video, Woven Tale Press artist Harry Wicks talks about and shows examples of his wood-turning art. You can read about his use of “rescued woods” and see more of his work in Vol IV #2 of The Woven Tale Press.

By Seth Apter, Press Arts Editor Join me every Sunday when I share some of my favorite links I discovered in the previous week. Kelly Kilmer visits the Frida Kahlo exhibit at the New York Botanical Gardens. And speaking of gardens…4,000 flowers fill this abandoned house in Detroit. Traci Bautista shares her thoughts and process behind her handmade journals.…
"Tiny House" Art Studio Cabin on Display in CT Gallery
By relaxshacksDOTcom, with Paul Toussaint of featured in June’s issue of The Woven Tale Press

Photo Recipe Book: Recipe Number 1 (Tower)
By David Hayes See his work in WTP Vol. III #3 Some time ago I ran an online project entitled the “Recipe Book Project,” where I shared my “recipes” for creating Iphoneography images. I also invited other artists to contribute their images and recipes. This went on for a bit…but then it didn’t and I…
Disorienting Effects